Georgia 4Story // Rules
► Player, guild, or shop names with far-right backgrounds, pornography, racism, hate speech, or illegal activities as well as offensive names are prohibited.
► Meaningless player, guild, or shop names like "asdf" or "@@@@@@@" are prohibited and will be kicked and/or changed. Repeated violations may result in a penalty.
► The use of team member names or names that refer to a team member is prohibited. Characters with such names or imitations will be banned without warning.
► It is also prohibited to use the prefixes GM, SGM, GA, TM, GSR, or CM in a character name, mount name, guild name, or shop name.
► Please be polite to other players and do not insult them. Threatening or blackmailing other players is prohibited and will be punished.
► If you believe someone is violating the rules, contact a GM. The incident must be reported with a meaningful screenshot (or multiple) or a video so that we can investigate the matter.
Real Life Threats
► Threatening other players, Georgia4Story team members, Georgia4Story officials, or any other individuals is strictly prohibited. Violations will result in a system-wide ban that could extend beyond 4Story. Further legal action may be taken.
In-Game Chat
► The official language on all servers and forums is German.
► Please do not spam. Repeatedly sending the same message is prohibited.
► Links that do not belong to Georgia4Story are prohibited.
Bug Using
► Anyone who finds a bug and exploits it to their advantage risks being banned. If you find a bug, report it immediately to a GameMaster or the support team via the ticket system ( or via email to: [email protected]
► Entering restricted areas is prohibited and will be punished as it is considered bug using.
► Exploiting game mechanics (exploiting) in a way that is not intended is prohibited and will be punished accordingly.
Account Details
► Each player is required to keep their account details (password) confidential. It is not allowed to share this information with others, and the Georgia4Story team will not be liable for damage caused by negligence! Choose a long, secure, and complex password to ensure optimal security.
► Note that the Georgia4Story team will never ask for your password.
Account Trading
► Account trading is not allowed, as described in the general terms and conditions.
Dealing with the Georgia4Story Team
► Instructions and decisions of the Georgia4Story team must be followed and respected.
► GameMasters may not be attacked. (Exception: with the GM’s consent).
► GameMasters are not allowed to give you items or gold. They will not assist you with leveling or spawn monsters for you. Please refrain from inviting GMs to your party or guild.
► For questions, please use the forum or ask other players.
► Members of the 4Story team will never ask you for your password or items. This is not necessary for verification.
► Complaints about sanctions should be addressed through the ticket system ( to the team or the banning GM/Mod personally.
► Publicly discussing a specific sanction is not allowed.
Members of the Game Team carry the following identifiers before their name:
► [GM]
► [SGM]
► [GA]
► [TM]
► [GSR]
► [CM]
► [DEV]
Characters who do not use these or use a modified version of these do not belong to the game team.